Exam Preparation

The following links are to pages that will help you focus on what is expected of you for each exam. Always cross check what is here with your own instructor's directions as well. For the most part, these "prep" pages are for the general set of topics for each exam. Also remember to check the learning outcomes which are listed on the opening pages of each chapter.

Our bubblesheets for exams have no data on them at all. This means that we provide a separate handout sheet for chemistry CH301 and CH302 exams with important information such as: a periodic table, physical constants, conversion factors, and water data. Below is a downloadable pdf of this handout for both CH301 and CH302. You can use it to study with. Just don't bring it to the exam - we will provide a fresh new one. There are subtle differences in the CH301 version and the CH302 version

Periodic Table Handout CH301 (Fall 2018) (all exams)

CH301 Formulas (Fall 2018) (final exam only)

Periodic Table Handout CH302 (all exams)

CH302 Formulas (final exam only)

Note: Not all instructors follow this same order. The order and topics of these exams are for the majority of the UT Chemistry Department CH301 classes.


NOTICE: this was for FALL 2016. As always, confirm the specific coverage for each exam from your instructor's syllabus and exam prep material.

Exam 1 - Fall 2016

Exam 2 - Fall 2016

Exam 3 - Fall 2016

Exam 4 - Fall 2016

More Periodic Table PDFs for your enlightenment

These are just periodic tables with no conversion factors or constants.

Here is a pdf of a 2-up Periodic Table only. Cut it in half and share a copy!

Here is a pdf of a Full Page Periodic Table only.

Here is a pdf of a COLOR periodic table made to fit on most phone display aspect ratios. Orbital info as well!

Exam Night Safety Information

UTPD will be conducting increased patrols during all chemistry exam nights. If you see anything suspicious or feel unsafe, do not hesitate to call 911.

If you rely on Capital Metro buses to get to and from campus, please be aware of your route’s night schedule.

UT Shuttle Bus schedules: http://parking.utexas.edu/transportation/shuttle/

City bus schedules: http://www.capmetro.org/schedmap/

If you are on campus after 10pm you can contact SURE Walk (http://www.facebook.com/surewalk/) for two volunteers to walk you home.

Additionally, UTPD will be giving rides home between 8pm-2am. To get a ride home you can call 512-471-4441 and press 9.